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Yearly Archives: 2019

Choose Your Own Adventure: How to Create a Bucket List to Escape Your OU Apartment

Feb 04, 2019

Every Ohio University student needs to sit down and write out their bucket list. No, not the awesome things you need to do before you die, though let’s face it: It’s going to happen someday, so we might as well live life to the fullest today. You can’t waste your entire life just sitting …

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Plant Your Own Green Thumb! How to Grow Organic Veggies in Your Athens Ohio Student Rental

Jan 28, 2019

Just because you’re a college student renting an apartment in Athens Ohio, you are not condemned to a mac n cheese diet until you get a real job. You can be so much more than that. In fact, you can grow your own organic vegetables right in your Athens rental. Eat fresh, healthy organic …

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Trouble Affording the Rent on Your Student Rental? How to Save Money at OU

Jan 21, 2019

Sure, we know we’re speaking to the choir when we tell you that college is expensive. And it’s not just the tuition and the textbooks but life itself that’s cost so much. It can be a struggle to pay the electric bill, buy groceries and still afford the rent on your Athens Ohio student …

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Personalized Bed Sheets: A Hilarious Gift as Weird as Athens Ohio Apartments

Jan 14, 2019

Love your roommates? We know you do. You rent an apartment in Athens Ohio, so you’ve gotten to know them. You share the same fridge, same bathroom, same kitchen. You’ve seen each other drunk, maybe in your underwear, definitely hung over. Isn’t it time you gave them the gift of their own face on …

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How to Have the Cleanest Toilet in the History of Ohio University Student Rentals

Jan 07, 2019

The toilets to most student rentals in Athens Ohio are free love colonies for germs. They’re disgusting. And the longer we put off cleaning the toilet, the nastier they get. You’re embarrassed whenever a significant other comes over. Your parents are embarrassed for you. The good news is cleaning the toilet is really not …

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