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Unwind and Reconnect: Get Rooted Yoga Retreat in Hocking Hills

May 20, 2024

The grind of everyday life, no matter what stage of adulthood you’re at, can become nothing short of overwhelming and exhausting at times. If you’re looking for a reprieve from the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day, it could be time to check out some weekend retreats in your area.

If you’re into yoga and meditation, or you’re just looking to try out something new for yourself, the Green Lotus Yoga Studio is hosting a weekend retreat in central and southern Ohio’s favorite state park—Hocking Hills. Surrounded by lush greenery and an abundance of nature, Hocking Hills is the perfect setting for a weekend retreat to unwind from daily life, make new connections, and learn new mindfulness skills.

What Happens at a Retreat? 

Weekend retreats aren’t a new concept—they’ve been existing for decades but have resurfaced in popularity as more and more people are finding a need to break away from the grind of city life and do something positive for their mental health. Oftentimes, health and wellness-centered retreats encourage participants to turn off their phones and put the screens away for the duration of the retreat—it’s a chance to literally unplug and embrace the slow moments of everyday life.

Retreats usually contain smaller groups of people to allow for more one-on-one interaction with retreat leaders, and also to foster a better sense of connection between those taking part in the retreat. Who knows—you might even end up making a new friend. Participants tend to stick together through an itinerary of activities throughout the weekend, most of which are centered on empowering yourself and others, and depending on the theme of the retreat, plenty of other fun things to do over the course of the weekend. The goal is to leave the retreat on the final day feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to get back to life after having some restorative time off.

What to Expect at the Yoga Retreat

Green Lotus Yoga Studio’s retreat in Hocking Hills takes place from June 7th-9th, and attendees are welcome no matter where they’re at in their yoga journey. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just starting to get into it, all are welcome to join in on a weekend of meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation in the great outdoors of southeastern Ohio. 

Retreat attendees will be staying in one of the many cozy cabins located in Hocking Hills for the duration of the weekend. Daily activities include yoga and meditation practices, walking and hiking amongst some of the most beautiful trails in the Hocking Hills area, transformative sound baths, and seasonal food prepared for every meal. Guests will also be engaging in activities that are meant to empower and foster self-acceptance and mindfulness across all areas of life.The Get Rooted yoga retreat is intended to give you the opportunity to de-stress and get in-tune with yourself and the natural world around you in Hocking, letting you come back to home more energized than ever with mindfulness. Practices to enrich and enhance your everyday life. If this sounds like the ultimate experience for you, more information and registration can be found on Green Lotus Yoga Studio’s website.