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Fun Run with a Hoppy Reward: Join the 5k at Jackie O’s Brewery

Jun 17, 2024

Ohio’s Brewery Running Series—yes, that is a thing—is teaming up with Athens’ perennial favorite brewery, Jackie O’s, to bring a 5k race to Athens that both starts and ends at Jackie O’s and promises fun, free beer, and a great chance to get out and get active with your community.

About the Race

This isn’t just an event to show up and prove that you’re able to run a 5k. Okay, well maybe it sort of is, but it’s also a social event as well. The Brewery Running Series puts on these types of brewery-partnered 5k races all throughout the state, with plenty in other cities like Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton, and Toledo at popular, local breweries. A 10% portion of the proceeds goes directly to supporting local nonprofits, so you can feel good knowing that the event goes to helping the community.

For those who love craft beer but are feeling daunted by the whole 5k part of the event, fret not. The Brewery Running Series is open to all levels of experience. You don’t need to be training for a marathon to still get to have fun. Go at your own pace, whether that be running, a light jog, or even walking. Dogs and strollers are welcome on the course as well, but the Brewery Running Series encourages participants to be mindful of taking them along on city sidewalks and streets—it’s an open course, meaning there are no road closures.

Once participants cross the finish line of the race, they’ll be rewarded with a crisp, delicious pint of Jackie O’s beer to kick back with as well as a collector’s pint glass from the Brewery Running Series. The race also has raffles with a chance to win merchandise and free beer along with games, live music, and plenty more. It’s a great way to get out of the house, stay active, and hang out with friends at one of the best breweries in Athens after the fact.

About Jackie O’s

Chances are, if you’re from Ohio, you’ve probably heard about or tasted Jackie O’s craft beer, and they’re kind of an even bigger deal in their hometown of Athens where their brewery is located. They’re known for delicious, innovative craft beer, their funky label designs, and for being committed to sustainability. They’re a local favorite in Athens, where folks can hang out at their restaurant + brewpub in Uptown, or their taproom and brewery in Athens that occupies a much larger space. 

They’re known for frequently partnering with local businesses and initiatives to build community and host events at their spaces, so they’re naturally a perfect partner for a running series like this that aims to engage with the surrounding community for a day filled with fun and good beer.
Ohio’s Brewery Running Series will be headed to Athens on July 13th at 11am at Jackie O’s Brewery at 25 Campbell Street.