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Greening Your College Nook: Houseplant Guide for Ohio Students

Mar 04, 2024

So, you’ve secured your college apartment, either at Ohio State or Ohio University, and you’re ready to start this new phase of life. What better way to make your new space feel like home than by adding some houseplants? Not only do they purify the air, but they can also add a touch of aesthetic calm amidst the inevitable stress of exams and projects.

For new renters, especially those navigating the collegiate world, it’s crucial to choose plants that fit your lifestyle and living conditions. Here’s a beginner’s guide to mastering the art of indoor greenery, even if your thumb isn’t quite green yet.


1. Understand Your Living Conditions

Before you dive into buying plants, assess your apartment’s conditions.

    • Light: Most student apartments don’t come with sweeping floor-to-ceiling windows. Is your window facing north (low light), south (high light), east, or west? This will determine the type of plants you can keep.

    • Temperature: Thankfully, Ohio’s indoor temperatures are mostly consistent, especially with heating during the winter. However, check for drafts that might affect plants placed near windows.

    • Space: Some plants can grow large. Ensure you have space for the plant as it grows. Also, consider hanging plants if floor space is limited.

2. Low-Maintenance Plants are Your Best Friends

    • Snake Plant (Sansevieria): Perfect for those who tend to forget watering. It can thrive in both low and bright light conditions.

    • Pothos: These trailing beauties are adaptable and can survive in various lighting conditions.

    • ZZ Plant: Almost indestructible, ZZ plants are drought-tolerant and can handle low light.

    • Succulents: These require minimal water and love sunlight. Place them near south-facing windows for best results.

3. Set a Watering Schedule

Between lectures, assignments, and socializing, it’s easy to forget about your plants. Set reminders on your phone, or water them on specific days, like every Sunday.

4. Invest in Good Soil and Pots

Good drainage is essential. Ensure your pots have drainage holes and use potting mix designed for your specific plant type.

5. Avoid Overwatering

This is the most common mistake. It’s tempting to shower your green buddies with love (and water), but overwatering can cause root rot. The soil should be slightly damp, not soggy.

6. Clean Your Plants

Dust can accumulate on leaves. Clean them gently with a soft damp cloth or give them a light shower.

7. Plants as Roommates

If you have roommates, discuss the placement of plants. Maybe they have plants too, and you can create a mini-indoor jungle together. This also ensures that your plants are cared for if you’re away for a break.

8. Local Nurseries Over Big Stores

While big stores may have some great plant options, local nurseries in the Ohio region will offer plants that are acclimated to the state’s conditions. Plus, they often provide personalized advice. Some popular nurseries near Ohio State and Ohio University are:


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Posted by Greenleaf Landscapes & Garden Center – Athens on Monday, August 7, 2023

9. Beware of Toxic Plants if You Have Pets

Some plants can be harmful to pets. Research before buying or place them out of reach. Popular plants like Poinsettias, certain lilies, and philodendrons can be harmful.

10. Don’t Get Discouraged

Even seasoned plant parents face plant casualties. It’s all part of the learning process. Don’t be disheartened if a plant doesn’t make it. Research, understand what went wrong, and try again.

11. Connect with Fellow Plant Lovers

There are numerous plant societies and clubs in universities. Joining one can provide support, swaps, and tons of advice. Check out:

Adding houseplants to your college apartment not only beautifies the space but also offers a therapeutic hobby. As you study hard and forge ahead in your academic journey, let these green companions remind you of the growth, resilience, and life that unfolds every day.

Happy Planting, Buckeyes and Bobcats!